Am I Ready to Hire A Designer?

Knowing what you need, how to move forward and what to expect when working with Aurora Interiors.

It is hard to know when the time is right to reach out to a designer. You’ve either just moved into a new space, or you’ve been living in your home for years and finally ready to make some updates - and everything in between. Here are three big indicators that you are ready:

1 - You have a stack of magazines, cluttered Pinterest boards and screenshots on your phone

This is one of the more common indicators I see when I start working with a new client. The options on the market are so overwhelming! You are always being shown things you “need” on social media, email newsletters and even in mailers sent to your home. At some point, you understand what you like - in the very loosest form. The issue is filtering those saved nuggets and putting them together to create your ideal space. 

This is where I come in! I’ve taken photos of magazine clippings, added myself to Pinterest folder(s), received iCloud album requests - whatever I need to do to gather all the information you have be curating over months (or even years). 

I look for trends in things you like - colors, patterns, shapes. Finding the tread it hard to do when you are IN IT, so having fresh eyes is key. We meet to review your overall concept direction, then we begin the fun design work!

2 - You fizzled out with your contractor, there is little direction and you are starting to second guess your decisions 

Sometimes clients have a sense of what they want for the function of their space, so they reach out to a contractor to modify the space. The problem comes when the contractor needs more design direction on finishes and fixtures, but you don’t know where to start! 

There are so many decisions that need to be made for even a simple bathroom remodel. Maybe all you wanted to do was remove the alcove tub, create a curbless shower, and update the vanity.

The ball gets rolling and you might as well get new plumbing fixtures and lighting. Then the snowball grows and your contractor has questions about the drain you want to use or grout colors, next you are second guessing all your decisions and worry you have started down a path of overwhelm.

[Designer walks into the room]

I’ve seen this before - it’s not a good look. I’d always recommend reaching out to a designer when you have met or selected a contractor. It’s an overwhelming process for anyone, and it’s best to work with someone who has their pulse on the industry and can quickly supply you with the tools needed for a successful remodel. 

Continuing with the shower conversion example, we can go to showrooms and select everything in one sitting - or I can bring selections to you! It super easy, once you have the right team in place!

3 - You’ve just moved into your new (or new to you) home, and it’s just not “you”

Blank canvases are hard - where do you start? 

Even if you have furniture from a previous home, it might not feel right in this new space. You are starting to feel like square peg trying to fit into a round hole. A designer can help make you a star peg finally belong in it’s star hole - ha!

I always try to work with what you already own - it’s better for our environment, your budget and relieves the headache of delays with supply chain issues (which I think are here to stay). We can reupholster dining chairs, shuffle artwork around, and find ways to donate or sell furniture you no longer need for this new phase of your life. 

When it comes time to purchase new items - I got you!

We can shop together or I can supply you with a presentation with selections tailored to your home and style. If you want to really hit the easy button, I can purcahse and coordinate warehousing with installation for you as well - plus, I can put the sprinkles on the cake with an accessory shop to tie everything together. 

So, you are ready? Here’s what you’ll need to get to gather in order to make this a smooth kick-off… 

You can come to the table (or meeting) with just yourself - totally fine! I will say, if budget is a concern - time is money. Here are some questions you can ask yourself… 

What is my style? What colors do I gravitate towards (or equally important, what colors do I not like)?

If you can’t put words to a style, that’s fine. I can help guide towards a direction, even if it’s a combination of 3 “styles”. I’d suggest having 3-7 images of spaces you really like, if you have more that’s fine too - but if your heart leaps when you see certain designs THAT is what we want! 

Colors are tricky - some people have a personal history with design styles and color. You don’t know how many times I hear about grandma’s couch or the color of your room as a kid - these are things you will love or hate. Do you like blues or greens? Do you prefer to stay away from color and keep it neutral? Do you absolutely hate yellow because Mildred painted her whole kitchen yellow and it was the worst? Jot these things down! They are helpful!

What is NOT working with our current space? How would you like to see it improve? 

Is it just style? Overall, it functions great but it’s too Tuscany for you?

Do you run into a road block when you cook because the dishwasher and range are too close and only one person can really be in the kitchen at once? 

Have you always wanted a larger pantry, and you think that coat closet can be used to expand the existing cabinet to create a gadget pantry? 

All these things are important! It’s easier to pick out what doesn’t work sometimes, so maybe focus on that first. If positives to the layout come up when you are thinking, jot those down as well!

What should I expect when working with a designer? How long does the process take? 

Every designer is different! We will be working a lot together, so we need to be a good fit. When you find YOUR designer, you’ll know! 

It can be a really exciting process! You are making a huge investment to your home and your quality of life! I will not promise you no headaches, but I’ll do my best to limit them.

I can only control my scope of the project - providing you with design intent for your home. We will select materials, furniture and fixtures but if they are not ordered in a timely manner from the contractor, approvals take too long, vendors ship the wrong material, fixtures arrive damaged - these are things I can not control. I’ll be there to guide the best course of action, but these quirks are apart of every project. We all just need to remain flexible as things shift and change. In the end, you’ll have a space you love!! Sometimes, these wrenches in the design become wonder design features! Creative problem solving is a magical thing!

Overall, every project is different. If you already have your contractor, have a small scope of work (like a bathroom), plus you have a good sense of your design direction - we could wrap up in a month or two. On the other hand, our design phase could last a few months on it’s own if we are working on the entire home - adding in construction time, we could be about a year. 

I previously wrote a post about “living with the dust”, there is more in that blog if you are thinking about staying home during construction and what to expect.

There is a lot that goes into a project - let me help you!

Having a sold foundation of your design intent will strengthen your design, allow for your contractor to make decisions to better the overall design, plus it’ll give you the home you have always wanted!

If you think you are ready - give me a call! I’d love to hear about the exciting updates you have planned and how you want to elevate your life!


Chasing your Spark


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